Russ Alexander

Photo Credit: Johanna Austin

Photo Credit: Johanna Austin


My story starts with my Mom. She died August 2012 after a long illness, while on hospice service. I had only minimal experience with death and dying, or about hospice service, prior to her death. Thanks to her hospice service, I found her last days to be a sacred time. That hospice experience led me to become a hospice volunteer in 2013. I continue in that role.

I (he, him, his) am a child of a universal power, just like each of you. I call that power “Universe.” I believe the Universe gives each of us talents, aptitudes, and skills, which are gifts the Universe requires us to use in Its service. Furthermore, the Universe sends us Messages to guide us to use those gifts if we have failed to recognize/use them, or have run away from using the gifts. The Universe has sent me a series of Messages over the years. I have heard them clearly. This doula work is my answer to the Messages. This work is my calling.

Most recently, the Universe sent me the opportunity to train and serve as a chaplain with the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania (“HUP”). The work gave me a perspective on the experience patients and their families have in an acute care setting, before they decide to go onto hospice service. In the hospital, particularly in intensive care, as I spent time at the bedside of dying people and their loved ones, I noticed that many are full of a terrible fear.

The Universe suggested the answer – a paradigm shift in our culture’s thinking about death and dying. This shift involves empowering people to think of their death as their friend. How can this be? For me, as I contemplate my life and my death every day, it keeps me focused on the fact that my life will end. Therefore, every day is a gift. Each day is a precious opportunity to live. Each day is lived in gratitude. That’s how death became my friend.

This shift happens one person at a time. It is facilitated by a death doula, a relatively new profession. It happens through education and planning, best while people are still healthy.

Please consider allowing us to share with you what the Universe has taught us about the last days. Thank you for considering our offer.