“As a well spent day brings happy sleep, so life well used brings happy death.” -Leonardo da Vinci
End of Life Planning
Thinking about your own death, or a loved one’s death can be overwhelming, especially in a society where we are discouraged from thinking about death and the big questions that come along with it. These questions may be big and potentially overwhelming, but they are often very important, and considering them will empower you to walk towards the end of your life grounded and prepared. It helps to have some gentle support as you consider these questions, and we can provide that support.
Here are some questions you may be considering. We can support you as you contemplate, and potentially answer them.
What do I need to do in order to “wrap up my affairs,” both logistically and otherwise?
What would I like my final months, weeks, and days to be like?
What is hospice like?
What do I want the room that I die in to look, feel, sound, and smell like?
Who do I want around me in my final days? What would I like them to be doing?
Do I have any unfinished business I need to attend to? Anyone I need to forgive or anyone I need to seek forgiveness from?
What has the meaning of my life been?
What medical interventions would I like or not like as my health declines?
What would I like to happen to my body after I die?
What would I like my funeral or memorial service to be like?
What is the legacy I am leaving behind for my loved ones and the world?
Contemplating and answering some of these questions for yourself helps ease the burden on your families as you are dying, without them having to guess at what you might have wanted.
Depending on your needs, our planning services are $100-$1000. No one turned away for lack of funds.