“No one is actually dead until the ripples they cause in the world die away.” -Terry Pratchett


Planning for the end of life

  • The Conversation Project: Offers tools and tips to have a conversation that matters about your dying wishes or those of a loved one.

  • Five Wishes: A simple way to plan for the end of your life. Get started on your advanced directive today!

  • Our Care Wishes: Created by Penn Medicine Hospice, this is a FREE resources to help you articulate your dying wishes.

  • Cake: A comprehensive resource for all end-of-life planning.

  • Mideo Card: Video Advanced Directive

  • A Beginner’s Guide to the End: a book by a hospice physician and caregiver offering practical advice about preparing for death.

End of life/Hospice/Active Dying/Other Death Doulas

After Death


General Death Positive Education

Other resources